
Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission Database
The database maintained by the state commission can be searched in many ways:
name of the person
cemeteries in a town
veterans of war
key words
For many of the oldest graves in Newport, the information will include a photograph of the stone in addition to the personal information.
Use this link to use the database.
The image on the right is a sample from the database.
How to locate a grave site:
- use the database to find what site the grave is located in.
- if the grave is in the Common Burying Ground (NT003), record the section (two letters) and map (number). For example, the record on the right for William Mayes states that the stone is in section BI and map 662a
- Use this map link to get an idea as to the stone location. The numbers show the rows in each section.
- If you are standing in the Common Burying Ground and looking for a stone move to where you think the stone might be located. At this location, look for a stone you can read, enter it in the database and use that information to move closer to the stone you want to find. As an example, if the stone you are looking for is in section BJ but you're standing in BK, you need to walk up the hill a few rows. Continue using stones and their locations to get to the stone you hope to find.
- The 1903 mapping project will provide additional information on the grave location. It shows the neighboring stones which may help find what you're looking for.
- If you're lost, e-mail us for help.